Fildisi v2.1.1 – Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme

Download Free Fildisi – Responsive Multi-Reason WordPress Subject Nulled ThemeForest 19196010
Fildisi is a multi-reason WP topic that will make the structure life of your webpage a lot simpler. Regardless of whether general or explicit reason sites, organizations, consultants, offices, picture takers, creators, bloggers, and so on, Fildisi disrupts the guidelines, acclimates to your inventiveness, and moves you to make one of a kind designs to intrigue the world.

Features List

Header Formats with different alternatives for every last one of them.

Default Layout
Logo on Top
Split Menu Logo
Side Navigation
Hidden Navigation

Amazing Clingy Header types

Scroll Up

Incomparable Control of the Header Components (not simply predefined headers)
Full Control of your Logos and their sizes

Logo for the Default Header
Logo for the Dull Header
Logo for the Light Header
Logo for the Side Navigation
Logo for the Clingy Header
Logo for the Responsive Header

Manipulative Typography

Standard Fonts
More than 600 Google Fonts
Font Uploader
Incredible responsive control for your typography

Motion Parallax for your columns
Change and Reset (on gadgets) the Situations for your columns

Top Position
Bottom Position
Right Position
Left Position

All-In-One Custom Footers
Select among various Menu styles (Exemplary, Catch, Underline, Hidden)
Header Covering universally or per page/post/portfolio/product
Boxed and Extended Layout
Maintenance Mode Functionality
Coming Soon Mode Functionality
Customizable Hunt Page
Customizable Google Maps
Awesome Modals for your needs

Contact Form
Search Function
Language Switcher
Social Links

Custom Modals with any component you need on any page
Sliding Zone which you can tweak distinctively per custom post!
Hidden Menu Route choice all inclusive or per page/post/portfolio/product
Amazing Highlight Segment (custom/full stature with shading, picture, slider, video, guide or Unrest Slider)
Demo Content Import

One-Snap Sham Data
Import on Demand

Smooth Parallax Parchment Impact (even on devices)

Vertical Parallax
Horizontal Parallax
Sensor Choice to characterize the Parallax Performance

Extensive WooCommerce Support

Hover Switch Pictures in Shop Overview
Zoom Picture Impact in Single Product
Ajax Cart
Different Title (Foundations, Hues, Tallness) for every item category
Multiple Route Styles

Extra Clingy Grapple Menu per Page
Boundless Title Options
Separately Classifications Titles (post classes, item categories)
One Page Version
Full Page Scrolling
More than 100 Predefined Formats to be inspired
Live Shading Customizer with Boundless Shading Choices. With no uncertainty, you can control each shading in Fildisi.
Background Areas (Shading, Picture, Video)
Background Segment Impacts (Default, Parallax, Parallax Left to Right, Parallax Right to Left, Vivified, Even Activity, Picture as Pattern)
Full Width Foundation Sections
Full Width Elements
Mega Menus worked in the topic, choices through GUI
Multiple Custom Page Titles
Ultra Responsive Design
Retina Ready
Smooth Scroll
Theme Loader
Innovative Choices Board. Fildisi Choice board is worked with the famous Revival Structure and gives you numerous design choices in an easy to understand condition. Snap the Fildisi tab from the primary WordPress route and after that you will have the option to get to and appreciate many center highlights of Fildisi. Every one of the choices have point by point depictions so as to clarify their purpose.
Visual Arranger by WPBakery
Revolution Slider
Predefined Shading Presets
Crossbrowser Compatible
CSS animations
Full Width Foundation Sections
Full Width Elements
Unlimited Sidebars
Sticky Sidebars
Top Bar Header Elements
Blog Options

Blog Grid
Blog Masonry
Blog Enormous Media
Blog Little Media
Blog Full Width
Blog Carousel
Blog Filterable
Post configuration support: Standard, Exhibition, Sound, Video, Connection, Quote

Portfolio Outline Options

Portfolio Grid
Portfolio Masonry
Portfolio Full Width
Portfolio Carousel
Multiple Float Effects

Single Portfolio Thing Options

Featured Image
Classic Gallery
Vertical Gallery
HTML5 Video
Feature Area Possibilities

Plethora of Carefully assembled Components particularly high quality for the topic’s inclinations which agreeably utilize the stunning visual interface of the Visual Writer. In excess of 50 completely tried components with nitty gritty portrayals will make your life a lot simpler. No code abilities needed!
Multiple Exhibition Options
Contact Forms

Contact Structure 7 Support
Gravity Structures Support
Multiple Structure Styles

Custom Widgets
1-Snap Topic Updates
Translation Ready

WPML Multilingual module Compatible
Polylang Multilingual module Support
Translation Ready(po & mo files)

Google Text styles Support
Awesome Symbol Fonts
Breadcrumbs Route Support
SEO Optimized
Fildisi utilizes legitimate and clean code with the goal that you ensure that Gooogle and other web indexes will love it. It is likewise perfect with the most acclaimed Web optimization plugins.
Speed Optimized
Child Topic Compatible
Touch Swipe Support
Extensive Live Documentation
Video Tutorials
Lifetime Updates and Devoted Help 24/7
All records are very much remarked and organized
Coding Aptitudes: Not Required

Fildisi v2.1.1 – Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme

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