Meloo v2.5.4 – Music Producers, DJ & Events Theme for WordPress

Download Meloo Subject for Music Makers, DJ’s, Occasions, Record Marks 22493887 ThemeForest
Meloo is incredibly adaptable WordPress Music Topic, instinctive and simple to utilize highlighting practically boundless posts separating, drag & drop page building, AJAX constant music playback and more.


Meloo topic idea fabricated unequivocally for music industry… and other individual innovative people. Meloo was made utilizing AJAX – presently you can be certain that music won’t quit playing during page perusing. Topic accompanies excessively quick page manufacturer for effectively dealing with your substance and boundless format alternatives. In the event that you are looking for creative, present day and clean structure, Meloo is unquestionably for you… It is incredibly adaptable, natural and simple to utilize, pressed with premium highlights and modules, making it an amazing and complete answer for anybody working in the music business. Meloo has extraordinary and remarkable blog formats, music and show occasion pages which help you deal with your shows or occasions with ease.

True Multipurpose Music Theme

With the ground-breaking and ultra adaptable Muttley System joined with WordPress, your new music site will overwhelm the challenge with highlights, execution and sound. Planned in view of the music business you will discover a heap of highlights to make practically any sort of music site; DJ, Live Band, Entertainers, Organization, Craftsman, Recording Craftsman, Vocalist, Makers and Recording Craftsmen – everything anticipates your customization and requires no coding on your part.

What would you say you are hanging tight for? Check it out!

Continuous Music Playback
AJAX or Offbeat Javascript and XML, is a gathering of strategies utilized in web advancement which permits a site page to speak with a server without reloading the page.

This makes it wonderful for playing music! You know when you select a track to play at that point click a connect to an alternate page and the music stops? Not with Meloo.

Browse numerous pages and keep the music out of sight that goes about as an overlay enabling clients to play, stop, FFW and so on and doesn’t have to reload with page content, it’s smooth, quick and simple to use over different gadget types.

Theme works by getting HTML from your server through ajax and supplanting the substance of a holder component on your page with the stacked HTML. It at that point refreshes the present URL in the program utilizing pushState. This outcomes in quicker page. No page assets (JS, CSS) get re-executed or re-applied.

Light, Quick and Shocking Visual Page Builder
Take your music site to the highest point of the outlines with Meloo and your packaged duplicate of the quickest Drag & Drop Page Builder

Create designs and any web component you can think with drag & drop straightforwardness utilizing a basic visual interface that doesn’t require any coding on your part – huzzah! Meloo in addition to the #1 top quickest Page Manufacturer for WordPress = structure gold

One Snap Demo Import

Chose a demo, transfer your compress document and unload it, click introduce. It’s that basic! All that you find in your preferred Demo gets introduced alongside your new WordPress site.

We have made this as straightforward and as complete as could be allowed so you can be ready for action with your new site and every one of the highlights you became hopelessly enamored with in as meager time as possible.

Stunning Progressed Headers
A flawlessly structured Header can be the distinction between losing a client and keep one! Your Header is the main thing clients need to cooperate with and despite the fact that it is frequently disregarded, we haven’t overlooked the magnificence of an all around created header and route system.

This applies to the music business particularly as you might need to have a tremendous effect, interface emphatically with your clients as they hit your first page, so we have made propelled header plans that can incorporate components like titles, pictures, sliders, recordings and even maps in your header section!

Display on each page, post or portfolio and modify to your heart’s content.

Scamp Music Player

Scamp Music Player is the business standard music player for a completely responsive structure that scales naturally to suit any gadget, highlights extremely quick burden timesyet stays lightweight.

With full SoundCloud Programming interface support so you can add tracks straightforwardly to it, powerfully burden substance to the player playlist and incorporates out of control covers for individual tracks!

Earn cash with ads
Meloo takes a full control your promotion units, it incorporate more than 8 responsive advertisement spots, 6 predefined (Header, Footer, Article Top, Article Base, Sidebar, Tracklist Inline) and 3 custom spots.

Sell Your Music

The most adjustable Web based business stage for building your online business. Meloo incorporates full help for the WooCommerce internet business module, which means you can without much of a stretch sell your music, include items, partner products, coupon codes and that’s just the beginning. WooCommerce can scale with you as you develop your business. From offering one item to thousands, and from your first request to your millionth, WooCommerce will have the option to scale and ride the wave with you.

Complete Rundown of Features

Built-in Music Player with drag drop playlist. Effectively include self facilitated MP3, facilitated MP3, shotcast spilling, SoundCloud tracks, playlist, most loved tracks and so forth, with autoplay (optional)
Super fastand simple to-utilize Frontend Page Developer for WordPress will spare you huge amounts of time taking a shot at the site content. Presently you’ll have the option to make complex formats inside minutes! (spare $99)
Almost boundless conceivable outcomes of post separating (chose classes, posts IDS, Counterbalance, limits… )
One-Page propelled liveliness & looking over transitions
Front End Ruler Writer Professional Manufacturer (spare 99$)
5 Custom posts types with AJAX arranging: Music, Occasions, Display, Recordings, Tracks Manager
With our Inherent Occasion Chief you can set dull and multi-day occasions. You can utilize counter which will commencement time to next occasion. In occasions file they will be naturally changed from future to past after they will occour. Limitation of each and every occasion can be appeared by Google Maps integration.
Exceptional page-load execution straight out of the box
Niche explicit structure and functionality
No coding information required
Dedicated versatile responsive plan, looks impeccable on your IOS or Android device
Premium Insurgency Slider (spare $25)
Built in survey framework from posts
Multiple adaptable designs for music single items
Single Occasion Page with all occasion info
Supports install players from Spotify, Soundcloud, Mixcloud, Bandcamp and so on…
Different formats, modules and paginations for pages (classification, labels, chronicle, writer page and search page)
Integrated Search
WooCommerce Integration
Multiple Custom Sidebars
SEO Ready
MailChimp Integrated
Custom Widgets:Recent posts, Instagram gadget, Promotion box
Contact Structure 7 Integration
Child Topic Ready
32 Premium modules for Page Builder
All pictures are incorporated into the Demo Content
Powerful Topic Alternative Panel
Re-request your area by drag-and-drop
Live Altering by means of the WordPress Customizer
Highly and Effectively Customizable
Edit/Expel/Include any component you want
One-Snap Demo Content Import
3 Pagination strategies (next/prev catches, load more, infinity)
Custom Page Backgrounds
Smooth Page Advances (Bars Shade, Inclined Bars… )
Endless format possibilities
Anchor usefulness in menu – effectively explore to any segment on the equivalent or diverse page
Parallax Segments with full stature option
Social Offer functionality
Related Posts usefulness on Blog Single Posts
Google maps – Embeded effectively through page builder
Customizable 404 mistake page
600 Google Fonts
Translation (po and mo documents) Ready
Google AdSense or other ads.
WPML Module Integration
and substantially more highlights…
Please Note

WooCommerce pages are not completely ajaxed, on the grounds that module isn’t good with this innovation. The player utilizes the session stockpiling so you can be certain that you don’t lose tracks when you invigorate browser.

Meloo v2.5.4 – Music Producers, DJ & Events Theme for WordPress

Meloo v2.5.4 – Music Producers, DJ & Events Theme for WordPress Free Download