Food Recipes v4.0.2 – WordPress Theme

Download Free Nourishment Plans – WordPress Topic Nulled THemeForest 1923882
Food Plans is a completely responsive, highlight rich and delightfully structured WordPress topic for plans related sites. This topic is ideal for proficient Gourmet experts and Cooking Specialists. Nourishment Formula WordPress subject makes it exceptionally simple to impart cooking learning to finish data and recordings support. Web search tool Streamlined – This subject is completely hand coded and its HTML is composed remembering your destinations great positioning on web indexes. The topic has great utilization of h1,h2,h3 labels. The essential substance are over the auxiliary substance in a markup. Plans are overseen appropriately by keeping smaller scale organizes in mind.
Key Features

Mouth watering structure
Fully responsive layout
4 excellent shading skins
Homepage with 5 sliders variations
Left Picture slider
Basic slider
Nivo slider
Accordion slider
Thumbnail slider

Recipes Posting Page with decent format and pagination.
Feature Rich Formula Detail page with two delightful plan variations
With included pictures slider or formula video and sidebar.
Images display with merry go round and more extensive substance area.
Full-Width video layout with video on top and substance after it.

Recipe Submit Page Format with login, information exchange and overlooked secret phrase support. (Numerous pictures transfer usefulness after variant 2.0)
Email warning on every formula submission.
hrecipe microformat support for formula detail page.
Video support for recipes.
25 well known Social Symbols (Fontawesome Based after adaptation 2.0)
Recipe depends on custom post type
Recipe Perspectives Counter (Utilizing Post Perspectives Counter plugin)
IP based <strong>Recipe Rating</strong> highlight (without utilizing any plugin)
Good Looking Blog
Threaded Comments
Full Localisation Backing (contains .po/.mo files)
Method steps on formula single with checkbox and strike to stamp a formula step as completed.
FAQ page with switch effect
Various Short Codes for segments, styled headings, tabs, accordion, flips, catches, list types, message boxes, and other features
Users Posting Layout to list every one of the cooks and gourmet specialists with little data about them.
Front end Profile Format to give culinary specialists and cooks a chance to alter their profiles without setting off to the backend.
Advanced Formula Search Layout to list all plans dependent on cutting edge search selections.
Contact Page Layout with google guide and ajax based contact structure (without utilizing any plugin)
Contact Structure 7 Module Support
Full Width Page Template
Easy Subject Options
10 Custom Gadgets to encourage user.
Tabs to list plans in various order.
Weekly Exceptional Widget
2 Sidebar Smaller than usual Sliders for plans (Request by foods and formula types)
Custom Documents Widget
News and Occasions widget
Recent Plans Widget
Recipe Type Rundown Widget
Twitter Widget
Footer Information Widget

7 PSDs included
Child topic included
XML Import record included
Required Plugins

OptionTree tree/
Meta Box
Compatible Plugins

Post Perspectives Counter counter/
WP Post Perspectives
WP Most loved Posts pick posts/
Display Tweets tweets-php/
**Contact Structure 7 7/

Food Recipes v4.0.2 &#8211; WordPress Theme

Food Recipes v4.0.2 – WordPress Theme Free Download!NAcjgA6S!Uttw4PZ-tghDiSPvhOWxd-pKUkHK0naA0xoxCsgQrYI