Core Minimalist v5.9.1 Photography Portfolio

Core is the Moderate Photography, Portfolio, Individual site Layout worked with most recent WordPress highlights. Custom Post Type and Picture Uploader etc.


3 Landing page styles
Full Screen slideshow for Photograph Gallery
Google Web Text styles Support
Extensive displays administrator. Bolster different pictures upload
4 Portfolio styles
8 Custom Widgets
Recent Posts
Popular Posts
Twitter feed
Contact Form
Youtube Video
Vimeo Video
Social Media icon
Flickr photostream

Styled typography and adaptable page columns
Built-in Numerous Shortcodes
Style shortcodes ex. dropcap etc.
Media shortcades ex. video, slideshow, picture exhibition etc.
Column shortcodes ex. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 columns
Built-in Shortcode Generator plugin
Custom Post Type support for Portfolios
WordPress custom menu support
Blog page single post and comments
Timthumb consequently thumbnail support
Unlimited sidebar. Make and select sidebar for each of your page!
Contact us page with approval and prepared to utilize PHP mailer
Unobtrusive jQuery fueled effects
Valid HTML standard

Core Minimalist v5.9.1 Photography Portfolio

Core Minimalist v5.9.1 Photography Portfolio Free Download!205&authkey=!AIJm6uxKZGEaqos&e=UwXtuu