Rey theme is probably one of the most unique items on the WooCommerce market, being fit for Furniture stores, Fashion/Clothing & Apparel stores, Artists or Painters store, and many others. A Jack of all trades for ecommerce business.
Rey is a well crafted WordPress theme, with lots of features, a gorgeous design and a rock solid infrastructure to provide a foundation for your upcoming projects. While it was mainly thought as an ecommerce dedicated theme, this is just a fraction of its powers. So you can safely use it for pretty much any type of website.
I’m dedicated exclusively to this theme and i want to continuously update it with features, improvements, fixes and new astonishing designs.
Feel free to reach me if you have feature requests. I have a huge list of features to do and your requests will help me prioritize them better.
Why Rey vs. Other themes
Summed up i’d say – A modern, flexible & lightweight theme with lots of features.
Usually features & flexibility is the opposite of lightweight, and it basically bloats the theme, but that’s not the case for Rey. Because of its modularity, things are loaded on demand, the general principle being – only load what’s in use.
With respect to other’s work, many are bloated antiquated themes and they’re becoming unmaintainable due to their coiled up foundation. Again, not the case for Rey. Its infrastructure will always prioritize modularity, making it a stable foundation for current and future projects.
16 Nov 2020
New: Added Product list teasers. Add global sections into specific position of a catalog grid. Demo here , and here’s a quick video how to do it .
New: Added ability to stretch a product in catalog, and show it either with multiple images, or custom wide/contained image. Quick video here with demo and how to add it;
New: Added ability to publish another product item or Global section, before or after a product in product catalog. Quick videos here (before, as global section) and (after, product item). Here’s a quick video on how i made the global section .
New: Cart panel added Cross-sells products bubble popup. Quick video here .
New: Cart panel, added Cross-sells carousel inside the panel. Quick video here .
New: Sticky social icons with various options. Quick video here and in action in Stockholm demo;
New: Heading element, added option for applying various styles per word individually (outline, highlight, marker, gradient etc.)
Improvement: Menu element, added option to enable css columns rather than flexbox (useful for hierarchical menu );
Improvement: Header Sticky, added option to show header only when scrolling upwards;
Improvement: Trigger element, hamburger icon, added multiple customisation options for the custom text layout;
Improvement: Discount label, added option to change to “Save $$” instead of percentage or sale;
Improvement: Checkout custom layout, added option to show Billing first;
Improvement: Checkout custom layout, added option to disable shipping step;
Improvement: Checkout custom, added hash urls for each step;
Improvement: Checkout custom layout compatibility with German Market;
Improvement: Checkout element, added option to display estimated delivery time;
Improvement: Toggle Boxes added option to wrap box in link;
Improvement: Menu element (and Header Nav.) added style to scale menu item on hover;
Improvement: Updated ACF to 5.9.3;
Improvement: Added support for back JS links, using “js-back-button” css class;
Improvement: Rey filter – Attribute, added “Range” display type;
Improvement: Category filter widget, added option to show children and also parent ancestor and siblings;
Improvement: Attribute filter widget, added color list display type;
Improvement: Filter sidebars handling for mobiles. Added option to choose which sidebar to open on mobile;
Improvement: Added filter panel position option;
Improvement: Added option to disable focus rings on buttons (enabled by default);
Improvement: Languages switcher element, added inline list style;
Improvement: Currency switcher element, added inline list style;
Improvement: Compatibility with PW Gift Card plugin;
Improvement: Disabled Hide title option for global sections as it was redundant;
Improvement: Cart page element, custom layout, added option to disable Cross-sells carousel (cart collaterals);
Improvement: Account panel in header, added option to display as Offcanvas panel;
Improvement: Added option to change star rating color;
Improvement: Edit with elementor items marked with global section type;
Improvement: Cover support for product tags archives;
Improvement: Cover options, added option to choose brand general cover
Improvement: Added option for disabling stock badge on product page;
Improvement: Product summary accordion/tabs, added option to make first opened on load;
Improvement: Compatibility with WooCommerce Custom Fields plugin;
Improvement: Cover skew added option to change overflow to hidden;
Improvement: Product item custom badges, added option to hide from catalog (not just product page itself);
Improvement: Added option in Header’s cart panel, to change “View Cart” button text, color and background;
Improvement: Fancy menu accessibility improvements;
Improvement: Added “Disable preview” button in Customizer. Sometimes it just runs much faster without previewing. The button is in the options eg: ;
Improvement: Extended cart panel closing triggers with a “Continue Shopping” button and ability to add a “Close” text next to X icon;
Improvement: Demo import, prevent WC. from re-creating pages;
Fix: Trigger element, broken hamburger icon styles;
Fix: Colorize section on scroll, fix on multiple instances;
Fix: Sticky column, sometimes looking broken when scrolling;
Fix: Cart panel not properly displaying styles. Make sure to check if you’re overriding template file in child theme;
Fix: Cart panel sometimes show unlinked images causing broken layout;
Fix: Estimated delivery not showing up in quickview panel;
Fix: Unloaded cart panel markup from Cart & Checkout pages;
Fix: Product summary accordion/tabs sometimes not registering Description;
Fix: Summary Tabs/Accordions not working properly in Quickview panels;
Fix: Marquee element, towards right not animating properly;
Fix: Toggle widgets tweaks and compatibility improvements;
Fix: Hide Brand attribute per product if specified in the attribute option;
Fix: Filters in elementor page not showing filtered items;
Fix: Inline search, FOUC issues;
Fix: Photoswipe, fixed preloader;
Fix: Reviews pagination styling;
Fix: PHP Notices;